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Cornell University



Crystal Hotchkiss, M.A.

Cornell University


Education Background:

Williston State College - Associate in Applied Science in Accounting and Information Processing (2008)
Dickinson State University - Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration/minor in Accounting (2014) University of South Dakota - Master's Degree in Adult and Higher Education (2017). 


Work Experience:

In the summer of 2007, I began my work in higher education as a student worker in the Admission & Records Office at Williston State College, a 2-year community college.  That same year, I was hired as a full-time employee in the Business Office working in the Student Financial area.  

In 2014, I accepted a position as the campus Research Assistant.  In this position, my main job functions related to not only institutional research and data integrity but also work in the academic advisement area of setting up the campus’s academic requirement reports for all programs.  I also assisted our Admission & Records office in a variety of tasks related to admission processing.

In 2016, I was promoted to the Registrar/Research Analyst position at WSC where my involvement in data and students only increased.   My biggest accomplishments during time at WSC include revamping of the academic advising training, implementing of academic requirement reports, improving the institutional data collection, and most importantly, providing quality service and support to students. 

In 2018, after ten years at WSC, I relocated to Grand Forks to further my career in higher education as a Student Records Business Analyst for NDUS Core Technology Services. In this position, I was involved with assisting all eleven NDUS institutions with troubleshooting issues and training needs, aiding in implementations of new products and functionality, and providing tools to the institutions to best aid in their day-to-day activities at the campus level.  

Starting in January 2023, I accepted a role as a Student Records Sr. Business Analyst with Cornell University. In this position, I am involved with assisting the sixteen colleges within our University in regard to troubleshooting issues, aiding in implementations of new products and functionality, and providing tools and best practices to aid in creating efficiencies for our colleges and students.