1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 2:35 PM
The Future of Student Experience: Personalization with Data & AI
There are lots of ideas flying around of how AI will transform institutions - especially the student experience. But what are the challenges that lie in the way, and how do we as senior strategic leaders build a roadmap to that future? From data privacy and ethical use of AI, to winning and aligning senior leadership to support your vision, this session will help advance your plans for your campus.
2:45 PM - 3:40 PM
The Business Case For Change
Every leader has a vision for how things can be better or different on campus. But how do you take your vision for change and create followership, executive support, and institutional momentum around the idea? Hear from peers who have led such change, and discuss obstacles to your current success. Get input from peers on how they have gone about getting their ideas sold, and walk away with practical steps to building your business case.
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
The Future IT Shop
We all want technology to have a seat at the strategic table of the institution. But how do we get there? How do you shift perception in a complex institution with silos and fiefdoms so they embrace IT as the tip of the sword, and not the cleanup crew for bad decisions? In this working session we’ll tackle discussion around barriers to digital transformation, challenges to silo’d technology, and strategies to integrate and standardize data, and design a staffing strategy rooted in reality.